These forms repeated are
shapes of grief
shapes of familiarity
shapes of memory
shapes of reach.
Forces Fleeting is my wordless eulogy; my entry point to beginning to comprehend the death of my father. To comprehend this enormous loss, I must remember. To remember, I must invent, because memory is mysterious, memory is elusive, and memory is uncertain.
Memory is imaginative.
These forms repeated are
a water tower
a train track
a cluster of frozen trees
a grid of power lines.
Are places. Are shadows. Are ideas. Are symbols.
Through time.
Through space.
I repeat to remember. I destroy to reimagine. I bury to unearth.
Grief is a door.
Invisible darkness.
Saturated blackness.
Deep as an ocean.
Endless as the horizon.
These forms are
loving my Dad
remembering his suffering
honoring his longing.
Tower/Father, 2021